You are here to create a 

Creating the space for you to be guided by the wisdom of your body is how I roll.  

Meet Sophia!

Life of Magic & Belonging

where all of you are welcome 

Ok, deep breath here.

 My passion is to create an inclusive and safe enough space for deeper connection, presence, and love.

My journey was not a carved out linear path and has gotten me to explore everything under the moon from financial literacy in Southern Africa to guiding couples in tantric rituals on Salt Spring Island. My travels, studies, and work have taken me around the world to swim with wild dolphins, eye gaze with elephants, cover my naked body in mud with a group of women, meditate and howl on many full moons, support financial literacy and entrepreneurship in Mozambique & Botswana, and contribute to the social innovation space within the nonprofit and governmental sectors of Canada, among a few other ventures. 

I’m an ecosexual (which is a fancy term for those that have an erotic relationship with nature) that’s passionate about guiding others in their own processes of making love to themselves, to nature, to life. 

If this doesn’t make sense to you, that is totally welcome! This didn’t always make sense to me either, we can talk about it!! 

I’m committed to a new paradigm of sexual expression, ecstatic embodiment, and conscious business.

I’m a Somatic Sex & Relationship Coach on a mission to support individuals and couples in their sex and relationship lives.

Sexuality is breathing, moving, alive and it exists all around us, if we look for it. 

To me, sexuality is creative life force energy that has brought you into existence and creates you and your world in each moment. 

And here’s the thing, I wasn’t always this person. So how did I get here? 

Labyrinth sacred geometry veil mantra crafting sorcery favourite crystal pottery mandala secret potion amethyst spell umbrella academy earth sage intuition.

Everything changed when I committed to my healing. Sophia ipsum palo santo painting on the porch crystals yoga flow magical thunderstorm. Unique manifestation lunar.

Labyrinth sacred geometry veil mantra crafting sorcery favourite crystal pottery mandala secret potion amethyst spell umbrella academy earth sage intuition.

Which brings us to this moment right now! Sophia ipsum palo santo painting on the porch crystals yoga flow magical thunderstorm. Unique manifestation lunar fairy.

My desires were short-circuited, I had limited access to orgasms, and I judged pleasure as unproductive. My trauma history was in the driver's seat. In so many ways my body was saying no and I didn’t even hear it. It felt like there was something wrong with me, while other women around me were enjoying sex and their bodies (or at least that’s the story I told myself).  

 Growing up, I was raised Catholic, critical of my body, bombarded by the fears of pregnancy and STIs, all before even contemplating having sex. I wondered why sex could be a good thing? My first sexual experiences were disappointing and defeating, to say the least. I experienced depression and was at war with my body. When I engaged in sex, I felt numb or in pain. 

 I was completely in my head, unaware of my body, and ready to become a nun (kidding…kind of). 

My own journey in sexual healing has guided me to this work.

My process and practices became more trauma-informed and less binary.

TANTRA, the word. That led me to trial and error and all these bizarre workshops until I eventually found the right teachers.  

Picture this… In the little Karoo, semi-desert of South Africa, without having any sense of what I was getting into, I went to a women’s retreat and facilitator training called Sexual Awakening for Women. This looked like yelling in the mountains, covering my naked body in mud for the first time, and moving and speaking from my yoni, a Sanskrit word I’d just learned. This was the moment I felt my pussy for the first time and got that whatever healing I did here was healing for all of me.

From that moment, I was committed and devoted to the power of sexual awakening. I was no longer in the role of what I thought sex should look like. On this path, I became a Tantra Yoga Teacher and then a Somatic Sex Educator. My worlds of science, sex, spirit, and trauma-informed approaches merged. 

I tasted the freedom and pleasure possible in saying YES to my aliveness. 

Before long, I read. “try this breath of fire technique to spread more aliveness and energy through your body- this a tantric practice”. 

 I saw holistic & conventional doctors and specialists. Mainly, what I found was a lack of information and guidance around sex and it was really hard to talk about any of it. But, I stayed curious and open-minded. I studied the psychology of sexuality and read anything I could about female pleasure.

I tried everything, at least once.

My trainings include

Relationship Coach

500 hour Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher

Somatic Sex Educator 

Intimacy Education & Conscious Sensuality Practitioner


Mayan Abdominal Belly Massage

Creating Safer Spaces 

Human Awareness Institute Levels 1 -4, and more 

Shakti Malan, Ananda Shakti, Caffyn Jesse, Corrine Diachuk, Dr. Liam ‘Captain’ Snowdon, David Cates, and Shelby Leigh, and more! 

My teachers and mentors

I am so grateful to my incredible teachers and the lineages of this work which is based in both Eastern and Western teachings including

I would not be where I am without these incredible guides! 

Taoist & Vedic Tantra, Neo-Tantra, Taoist Master Mantak Chia, and pioneer Sex Educators: Joseph Kramer, Annie Sprinkles, Barbara Carellas, and Betty Dobson. 

you were covered in mud, screaming into the mountain, discovering your yoni, working with all these amazing teachers …

Ok wait

So we need to take a step back

Some have called me a midwife of programs or an architect of content.

I love helping Visionaries bring their ideas to life and create something that only they can create. 

So when I’m not working as a Sex & Relationship Coach, I’m supporting Leaders and Entrepreneurs in designing and building their Flagship programs to reflect the high caliber of what they are here to offer and the impact they desire to have. Over the past 7 years, I’ve created various manuals, copy-edited books to publish, co-designed online group programs, and helped soulpreneurs create their first offering or next great offering. And, I'm the cheerleader and trusted soundboard when you need one! 

My vision is to see more creators offering their work from an integral and heart-centered place with accessibility, learning-styles, and a trauma-informed approach by design. 

While going deeper into my sex and relationship work, I quickly stepped into the role of supporting my mentors and visionary leaders take their work to the next level, editing their books before publish, and helping them scale their work. I realized one of my gifts: to be a bridge that guides Soulpreneurs & Visionaries in birthing their ideas and visions to life and into writing, manuals, workbooks, online programs, retreats, and more. 

Before I was a sex educator, I was a writer and researcher. I had an academic background in political economy and worked for the public service. Yes, that’s where I had found myself in a disembodied life - even though I loved the people I worked with and was guiding stretch breaks & yoga nidra on lunch breaks to my colleagues. 

And I thought I had exited that world for good…however…

I’m your Right-Hand Woman to support your full expression, whether it’s in your sex life or your Creative work! 

In my free time



With people I love


Practicing my Portuguese 


Taking breaks to slip a summer swim in between meetings


Hiking up mountains & admiring moss (I saw the coolest moss rock on a hike)


Eating chocolate while dancing 


Chatting to each farmer at the local farmer’s market


Whipping up delicious meals without recipes that I can never recreate


Lingering at a coffee shop and people watching for far too long

I am a guest on these lands and first generation Canadian with both my parents and family line tracing back to Portugal. I grew up in Toronto, the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. I respectfully acknowledge that I have the privilege of creating and collaborating on the unceded territories of the Coast Salish Peoples, of the Hul’qumi’num and SENĆOŦEN speaking peoples, in a place now known as Salt Spring Island.

Land Acknowledgement

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